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2013/12/31 Federal Election Commission still has weak security
2013/12/29 Report says NSA intercepts computer deliveries
2013/12/27 eBay vulnerable to account hijacking via XSRF
2013/12/24 Who's selling credit cards from Target
2013/12/22 The decade-long quest to stop 'Spamford' Wallace
2013/12/20 Cards stolen in Target breach flood underground markets
2013/12/20 Critics: NSA agent co-chairing key crypto standards body should be removed
2013/12/19 Windows XP: The state of third party security
2013/12/18 Target hit by massive credit-card breach
2013/12/18 Beware of thieves and hackers this holiday season
2013/12/18 Make Time for Awe
2013/12/18 A return to debtors' prisons?
2013/12/18 NSA rebuked, Snowden vindicated
2013/12/17 Myth of the 'welfare queen'
2013/12/17 Direct measurements of the wave nature of matter
2013/12/16 US Scholars stand with Palestinians in boycott of Israeli academic institutions
2013/12/16 Federal judge finds NSA phone spying unconstitutional
2013/12/16 FTC moves against massive mobile cramming operation
2013/12/14 Yellowstone supervolcano is over twice the beast we thought
2013/12/12 Unease among Brazil's farmers as Congress votes on GM terminator seeds
2013/12/12 Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
2013/12/12 The end of the Internet as we know it
2013/12/12 Facebook users hit with phishing, malware attack
2013/12/11 Extortion website owner busted
2013/12/11 New solar panel material could be cheaper, more efficient
2013/12/11 Antipsychotic drugs overprescribed for kids
2013/12/11 The final countdown for extended unemployment benefits
2013/12/11 These companies want more government regulation
2013/12/10 Health insurance fraud uses realistic robot telemarketer
2013/12/10 Newly discovered greenhouse gas '7,000 times more powerful than CO2'
2013/12/08 Tech giants call for greater limits on government surveillance
2013/12/06 How the Bitcoin protocol actually works
2013/12/06 Microsoft disrupts ZeroAccess bot-net
2013/12/05 Someone's been siphoning data through a huge security hole in the Internet
2013/12/05 Nasty surprise may await people who thought they enrolled in ObamaCare
2013/12/05 House passes 'Innovation Act' anti-patent-troll bill
2013/12/05 What happens to whistle-blowers after the whistle is blown
2013/12/05 Rare metals in your smartphone may be irreplaceable
2013/12/03 Guardian: We have published 1 percent of Snowden leaks
2013/11/30 Crocodiles and alligators use sticks as lures
2013/11/26 Neverquest banking malware gearing up for holiday season
2013/11/24 What you should know about the Iran nuclear deal
2013/11/21 LG smart TV snooping extends to home networks, second blogger says
2013/11/21 10 worst password ideas revealed by Adobe hack
2013/11/20 Hack of Cupid Media exposes 42 million plain-text passwords
2013/11/20 Route-injection attacks redirect Internet traffic
2013/11/17 History of Bitcoin theft
2013/11/14 How to recognize and avoid phishing emails and links
2013/11/13 Our government has weaponized the Internet - opinion
2013/11/12 Hidden memo details 'limitless' privacy risks at
2013/11/11 D-Link 2760N routers vulnerable to XSS attack
2013/11/08 Senator aims to stop patent racketeering
2013/11/08 Obamacare: few options to fix cancellations
2013/11/08 IRS refunded $4 billion to identity thieves
2013/11/07 Man-made earthquakes are becoming a real problem
2013/11/06 Africa's western black rhino is now officially extinct
2013/11/06 Malware attached to spoofed 'UPS receipt' emails - do not open! Related: Microsoft fix for Windows exploit via Office DOCs and RTFs
2013/11/05 CryptoLocker 'ransom-ware' infections - US-CERT Commentary: Ars-Technica
2013/11/05 Fake Twitter followers is big business
2013/11/05 Senators question security of
2013/11/04 We're about to lose Net Neutrality, and the Internet as we know it
2013/11/01 Broad executive order based on climate change
2013/10/30 NSA broke into Yahoo, Google data centers
2013/10/30 Most people can see their body's movement in pitch dark
2013/10/30 security flaws could leak personal data
2013/10/29 USA FREEDOM Act: Dozens in Congress ready to end bulk data mining
2013/10/29 7 deadly sins of
2013/10/28 The dirty dozen endocrine disruptors
2013/10/25 'White-nose' fungus is a hardy survivor
2013/10/25 Study challenges prevailing view of invasive species
2013/10/22 Fake "Dropbox" password reset spam leads to malware
2013/10/20 Experian sold consumer data to ID theft service
2013/10/18 The ocean is broken
2013/10/17 Federal shutdown ended, for now
2013/10/16 U.S. asks top court to ignore NSA snooping case
2013/10/15 Radical teaching method could unleash a generation of geniuses
2013/10/14 Politics trumps 'affordability' at
2013/10/13 The TED talks are lying to you
2013/10/09 Congressional perks deemed 'essential' during government shutdown
2013/10/07 Chicken salmonella outbreak during CDC shutdown
2013/10/04 Government shutdown day 4 - multiple updates
2013/10/03 Who really shut down the government?
2013/10/03 The next wave of identity theft
2013/10/02 Feds seize notorious Silk Road site and Bitcoin stash
2013/10/01 Congress fails to prevent Federal shutdown
2013/09/30 Botnet escapes extermination
2013/09/27 IPCC climate report predicts a hot future
2013/09/27 Astroturfing: Fake user review services fined
2013/09/27 NSA trying to change the surveillance narrative
2013/09/26 ND Health Department may flush neo-nazi out of town
2013/09/25 Meet the machines that steal your phone's data
2013/09/25 Ghost company makes dangerous pain drug 'Reumofan'
2013/09/25 Obamacare may be cheap ... or not
2013/09/25 Stanford engineers build first computer made of carbon nanotubes
2013/09/24 Scientists unravel secrets of the Milky Way's central black hole
2013/09/23 Hackers bypass iPhone 5S Touch ID
2013/09/23 Credit card thieves use aluminum foil to rip off small businesses
2013/09/19 Global map of deaths from air pollution
2013/09/16 'Delicate oxidation' can transform greenhouse gas into useful chemicals
2013/09/13 Why people sometimes prefer lies to the truth
2013/09/12 Voyager 1 spacecraft reaches interstellar space
2013/09/11 Web of Trust upgrade improves transparency in user ratings
2013/09/11 Koch brothers' secret bank shapes political and policy debate nationwide
2013/09/08 Reasons you need a nap
2013/09/07 Arctic ice cap grows by 29% in a year
2013/09/06 The Surveillance State Repeal Act
2013/09/05 How spy agencies defeat Internet security
2013/09/05 Internet betrayed, we need to take it back
2013/09/02 A peek into a spam den
2013/09/01 The proper education of Jacob Barnett, boy genius
2013/08/31 Microsoft joins Google in U.S. spying suit
2013/08/26 Do e-cigarettes cause cancer?
2013/08/23 DDoS weapon found hidden in Orbit Downloader software
2013/08/22 Big Louisiana sinkhole devours whole trees in seconds
2013/08/22 Bradley Manning goes to jail
2013/08/20 3D graphene - solar cells' new platinum
2013/08/20 China calls an end to harvesting organs from prisoners
2013/08/16 The 'bankization' of America
2013/08/15 This 1 chart shows why Social Security is so important
2013/08/15 10 signs of malware infection
2013/08/13 Restaurants' secret ingredients you don't deserve to know
2013/08/12 Taken by Civil Forfeiture
2013/08/12 New attack uses mobile ad network to deliver Android malware
2013/08/09 Top 4 Andriod security apps
2013/08/08 Top 10 Android malware families
2013/08/07 Black Hat 2013 - what we learned
2013/08/06 Kaspersky Lab detecting 5,000 new mobile trojans weekly
2013/08/06 Antivirus firms: Whitelisting malware for law enforcement against policy
2013/08/06 The Sun's magnetic field is about to flip
2013/08/06 Is your TV watching you?
2013/08/05 Potentially Unwanted Applications and You
2013/08/05 Smarter appliances, smarter hackers
2013/08/03 Natural cancer treatment
2013/08/01 Keep your laptop safe when using Wi-Fi hotspots
2013/07/30 Google flip-flops on Network Neutrality
2013/07/29 All About Skimmers - tampering with ATMs, gas pumps, and more
2013/07/28 Royal baby exploit: fake "CNN Breaking News" emails link to malware
2013/07/28 Momentum builds against surveillance
2013/07/26 Restoring Constitutional balance - a turning point
2013/07/24 Pesticides are killing the bees, and it's worse than you thought
2013/07/24 Arctic methane release could sink global economy
2013/07/22 Geoengineering the climate for national security goes public
2013/07/21 Goldman made $5B manipulating aluminum inventories (and copper is next)
2013/07/21 SIM cards have finally been hacked - flaw may affect millions of phones
2013/07/19 Congress and the art of 'dogfooding'
2013/07/09 5D nano-glass memory could outlast civilization
2013/07/09 'Terminator 2'-style liquid metal can now be 3D printed
2013/07/08 Emergency Broadcast Systems proved hackable
2013/07/07 Secret court vastly broadens powers of NSA
2013/07/03 Wyden and Udall disbelieve intelligence officials
2013/06/27 Voyager 1 discovers unexpected region at edge of solar system
2013/06/26 Growing battle over Lyme disease (spectacular article!)
2013/06/24 The perfect (marketing) crime
2013/06/23 U.S. surveillance is not aimed at terrorists
2013/06/20 Why I built a search engine that doesn't follow you
2013/06/19 Yahoo's bad idea to release old email addresses
2013/06/18 We may be Neanderthals after all
2013/06/15 New bill would ban drone strikes on U.S. citizens
2013/06/14 Offshore tax havens now under public scrutiny
2013/06/13 Prepare the Internet for battle - UK official
2013/06/12 The Secret Cyber War
2013/06/04 Summer reminder:  How to Recognize that Someone is Drowning
2013/06/03 The great defriending of Facebook
2013/05/30 ChloroFluoroCarbons (not CO2) cause global warming
2013/05/30 Why We Can't Send Humans to Mars Yet
2013/05/28 US prosecutes $6bn money-laundering hub
2013/05/28 U.S. accuses currency exchange of laundering $6 billion
2013/05/11 Smartphone pictures pose privacy risks
2013/05/09 EU commission to criminalize most unregistered seeds and plants Opinion article
2013/05/04 5 reasons high fructose corn syrup will kill you
2013/04/30 If space forms crystals, can time?
2013/04/27 ADHD - diagnosing the wrong deficit
2013/04/21 The most dangerous jobs in America
2013/04/17 Free-for-all: Lifting the lid on a Wikipedia crisis
2013/04/16 Secrecy orders have stifled over 5,000 inventions
2013/04/16 Physicists set new record for quantum teleportation with matter qubits
2013/04/15 3D-printed building takes shape in Amsterdam
2013/04/09 Dem senator: Campaign finance laws a 'mockery'
2013/04/09 New ACP Prostate Cancer Screening Guidance: Screening and treatment are more harmful than the disease
2013/04/08 Shodan - the Internet's scariest search engine
2013/04/02 Monsanto is now above the law
2013/03/28 Power scooter makers The Scooter Store and Hoveround draw fire for Medicare fraud
2013/03/27 How the Monsanto Protection Act snuck into law
2013/03/15 'America Invents Act' favors 'first inventor to file'
2013/03/06 How doctors die
2013/02/26 Why we need germs
2013/02/22 Climate change in Indian country
2013/01/25 Losing my religion for equality - Jimmy Carter
2013/01/21 New food safety doubts: GM crop studies overlooked toxic virus gene
2013/01/21 Energy from space - an alternative hypothesis of climate change

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