
"... because it's too late to go back"

While average people can now afford computers, quality computing support is often out of reach - support techs wooing corporations have little interest in home users.

It's no wonder that millions of computers, purchased for the allure of technological promise, become quirky, frustrating, and expensive.  Compromised security exposes personal and financial data to theft, and easily lends a computer's resources to distributed "bot-net" attacks.

The best solution is prevention and training before the thrill is gone.  Next best is the standard cycle of break-and-fix (and pay).  If you smell smoke, it may be too late.

You choose your approach - we'll keep it simple and affordable.


We try to keep one perspective in view at all times:  What does the average person need in order to have and to master a good system at a good price?  A "good" system is a versatile tool that performs your work (or play) to your satisfaction, quickly and easily.  It's a system that doesn't require you to make a career of it and its quirks - you have better things to do.

We present technical material in everyday language to help our preferred audience:  people who could use, and make better use of, the available technology, by gaining more knowledge, skills, and confidence.

We have no intention of trying to duplicate the enormous amount of excellent information available from the many fine websites dedicated to helping you get the most out of your computer.

Some of our content, which we call Trade Secrets, is so simple that it could be considered computer kindergarten; but even the wizards get headaches when they ignore the simple stuff.


"If it ain't broke," let's keep it that way.  We aim to prevent computer problems - it's cheaper and easier for everybody.  If your computer still runs, we can probably help you with it.  If it's truly wrecked or obsolete, we'll help you find a replacement - likely a better and cheaper one - and get it set up to suit you.

For detailed information about the concepts presented on this site, contact us.


now reading: Forward - Simplicity, Balance, Knowledge
© 2005-2025 Lauver Systems℠ • Edwardsburg, MI • 269 635-0721